Type of Copyrights Involved

What music copyrights is involved in Star Symphony?

There are 3 types of Music Copyrights type that we work with our content creators. 1) Wholly Owned Music Copyright by Star Symphony - These are artist or creators that has sold their music copyrights including streaming, synching & other related music copyrights to Star Symphony. This allows full freedom in how the music is showcased. 2) Synching Rights from Music Labels - There are songs that we purchase streaming rights specifically to be used in the game. However, this songs can't be re-streamed and is a drawback for streamers. 3) Community Music from Community Artist - These are artist and creators that works with the Star Symphony ecosystem that they provide their synching rights for the game. Some artist would additionally extend the streaming rights as the more streamers would allow better reach of their tracks as well.

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